Class Schedule
The weekly class schedule is subject to change. If a class needs to be cancelled, attendees that signed up will be notified.
Monday 5:30pm
Intermediate/Advanced Tower w Robin
Quick paced class for the intermediate student ready to advance.
Experience required
Tuesday 7:00am
Apparatus Class w Kelley
Students will work on most of the apparatus w guidance.
Experience strongly suggested
Wednesday 10:00am
Intermediate Tower w Kim
For the intermediate student wanting a good workout on the mat & Tower.
Experience required
Wednesday 6:00pm
Intermediate/Advanced w Kelli
Quick paced class for the intermediate student ready to advance.
Experience required
Stretch w Lorraine
Students will use the Pilates method and apparatus for stretch.
No experience required
Saturday 9:00am
Advanced Tower w Robin
This is a very fast paced, challenging class. Students must have instructor's approval.
Experience required
Saturday 10:00am
For the brand-new student, or someone in need of a refresher of the fundamentals.
No experience required.